Friday, June 17, 2011

Featured Etsy Seller: Tamdoll

Today I will be showcasing the work of another etsy artist, Tammy.  You can find all of these pieces in her shop here.

Can you guess why I like this sweet little necklace?  The bird!  Although I also think the key is pretty cute.

Charm Necklace

I like this piece because it is showing off another way to use fabric in jewelry. 

Art to Wear Cuff

Finally, these little heart charms are so sweet.  How would you use them?  I would probably hang them on a little silver chain around my neck.

Fabric Heart Charms


  1. I really like the hearts. I think I would try to fasten them near to the edge of my throusers or as "buttons" at my jacket-arm near to the shoulder. Both of them at the same side.

  2. Wow, her work is really delicate. I do like those little hearts--I can see them on a belt.

  3. She has such a great variety of items!

  4. those are great picks! Like your wallpaper, is it new? {:-D

  5. Thanks for the feature, I really appreciate it. When I made the hearts I thought people would want to hang them on a necklace, but I've been hearing new things about them like as buttons and magnets - pretty clever!


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