Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Basset Hound Fun

Alright.  I think basset hounds are some of the cutest dogs out there.  I grew up with two little guys, Byron and Sammy (Sammy is still around in all of his gray fur goodness).

Sam the Man

I love their droopy ears and their sweet short bodies.  Well, check out this bead made to look like a basset hound.

Basset Hound Bead

Etsy artist NanjoDogz makes these adorable little dog beads.  Can you find your favorite species?

ps-want some real basset fun?  Click on this link to see photos of basset hounds running.  Awesome.


  1. It's not related to a Basset Hounds, but Friskies made a great commercial with lots of dog jowel shaking:


  2. aw I love this! Come stop by Hannah Handmade for an awesome giveaway for a hand dyed vintage apron that you'll love! {www.madebyhannahshands.blogspot.com}


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