

Friday, July 6, 2012

Year Long Challenges: 6 Month Check In

At the start of this year, I posted about several craft challenges I was going to try this year.  Now that it has been 6 months, I thought it might be nice to check in about how I am going.

Iron Craft Challenge- Rockin' it.

Although one or two challenges have been late, I have completed every single one.  Oh yeah.  I love the variety of the challenges.  It's also been nice having them every two weeks; it actually gives me time to work on them!

Sky Scarf- Not going to happen.

I tried.  I really really tried.  But after four months I completely lost my desire to work on this project.  I don't care.  I don't really like the way it looks.  I'm sick of it.   I tried to keep doing it but decided it's not worth it.

Creativity Journal- Hit or miss.

 I enjoy having this journal.  I originally thought I would do it every day.  This was unrealistic.  I have so many projects I'm working on all the time, it was silly to stop those just to make something I wasn't planning on.  It is nice to have on hand though for those days I feel crafty with no direction. 

Unexpected Challenges- BBA and Granny Square Sampler

Although I didn't list these at the beginning of the year, I have been working on some other long term projects/challenges.  My etsy team Blogging Business Artisans has a craft challenge once a month.  I think I'm 5 out of 6 right now.  I've also been working on a crochet-a-long from wise craft that is really fun.  I'm not keeping on their same schedule, but I'm having fun learning the different squares. 


  1. I like having these kind of challenges myself, they help give me goals to work on. I was just saying how crazy its going to be with Iron Craft every two weeks and the advent calendar, crochet-a-long and Project Project Runway every week.

  2. It's great to have some of these crafty challenges to keep you going when inspiration isn't really there otherwise. I'm glad that Iron Craft is going so well!

  3. It's a great idea to reassess things like this and decide what is working and what isn't.
    Congrats on completing all the Iron Craft Challenges so far and 5 out of 6 for the BBA!
    I don't blame you for stopping with the scarf...creativity should never be forced :)

  4. I like that you talked about what *isn't* going well. I lose interest in projects all the time, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!


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