

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

IC#13- Red White and Blue Brooch

Our Iron Craft Challenge this week was "Red, White, and Blue."  I chose to make a felted star brooch.  Here's my step by step.

I started by felting each star.  I started by slowly felting all around a small bunch of roving to create a ball.

I then flattened the ball by felting on each side.  I started forming the star shape by turning the piece on its side and working in five points along the edge.

I slowly worked on this to form the star shape.  Some of the points ended up too small so I added a bit of extra roving.

Once I had three stars, I attached them to a piece of felt to help secure them together.  I added a bit of extra roving on the back to secure it.

Finally, I sewed a pin back onto the back of my piece.  That is it!

Want to see more Iron Craft pieces?  Check out the flickr group here.  Want to join in the fun?  Check out the blog here.


  1. Your felting is nice and crisp, it can be heard to get those sharp points.

  2. This is really nice! It's a simple touch for the 4th! It looks great on the denim bag too.

  3. How cute! The perfect accessory for tomorrow :)

  4. What a great brooch. I tried felting. I kept feeling as if tiny hairs were attacking my nose and throat. What a dork!


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