

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thrift Store Finds

This week I skipped the gym and went to the thrift store.  Best. Decision. Ever.  Here are some things I found. 

First of all, this awesome dress.  I love love love it.  I looked it up and it costs $70.  I got it for $7.  Score!  The one issue is it is slightly too big.  I'm a little nervous to try and take it in myself b/c it has a side zipper.  I could wear it as is but it might look better if it was a little smaller.  Should I pay to have it done?  Any advice?

Next, some great craft supplies.  I found a large embroidery hoop, a bag of sewing notions (lots of lace), and a vintage craft kit to make a stuffed rocking horse.  The kit has amazing fabric in it.  Here's my next question, should I make the rocking horse or use the materials to make something else?

Finally, I found this pretty green and white checked tablecloth.  I'm planning on using it for craft shows.  And also maybe at home.  It's just so cute.


  1. Great score on the dress!
    Definitely make the rocking cute :)

  2. Score! As for the dress, you may not have to worry about moving the zipper if there's another logical place to take it in. You could always make little darts, or take it in a little bit on the other side if it won't be much fabric.

  3. Nice dress. I like the embroidery on the bottom.

  4. Great finds! I love the dress! Good luck with it.

  5. Paige- Thanks for the advice. I am thinking maybe I will just take the non-zipper side in a bit. I think my sewing skills can handle that :)

  6. That's great! I'd probably make something else besides the rocking horse. And as for the dress, if you feel confident in your skills, why not give it a whirl? It's just a $7 experiment;)

  7. That dress is very cute! I don't have much luck at thrift stores but mainly because I have no imagination so don't know what I'm finding. :)

  8. You got some good stuff! Paige is right. You might just be able to take the other side in enough to make it look good. Put it on inside out and get someone to help you pin it to see. Good luck!

  9. I loove when random thrift store adventures turn out to be successful :)

    I'd probably make something else with the rocking horse fabric - it looks like a neat design. Maybe a cute bag or something!

  10. I love it when I find expensive things for cheap! It's adorable, too.

    I think you should make the rocking horse! That would be adorable. There's always other pretty fabrics- rocking horse kits don't just drop out of the sky!

  11. Oh man! You DID score! The dress is awesome! I say check out the cost of having a professional alter it. I bet it's not too much and would be worth it.
    can't answer about the stuffed horse.
    The table cloth is very pretty! I like the color.

    good advice about pinning/basting the non-zipper side first to see if that works.

  12. I love the dress! Definite score for you!

  13. Hi Jenny, LOVE the dress, really adorable! What are your fav thrift stores? I LOVE me my Value Village! Visiting from Seattle Bloggers ( -:

  14. Oh yes, I love Value Village. I'm there almost every week :)


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