

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Around the House

I love filling my home with unique handmade and thrifted pieces.  I love thinking that each piece is really special or has a story.  Today I wanted to share some of these.

Here is a glimpse on top of my dresser.  I would have taken a picture of the whole dresser but it was messy :)  So here is the corner.  I have a little jewelry dish from Goodwill that I use to hold pins.  In addition, I have my little notebook that I recently purchased from Beaded Tail.

The pink/purple brooch is from Vintette and the notebook is from Beaded Tail

Right above that hangs a little mirror.  I also found this at a thrift store.  Something about the fabric frame is so charming.

Here is the bookcase on the other side of my dresser.  I got the blue vase for my birthday and originally had it in the living room.  That lasted a day because the cat kept eating the fake plant.  I moved it to a high place.  You can also see the wire I rigged up to hold my particularly long/bulky necklaces.

Here is a fantastic letterpress calendar I ordered after Urban Craft last winter.  I had wanted to buy one all weekend and when I finally went to get it, he was sold out.  Luckily there were still a few online. 

Calendar from Old School Stationers

Finally, a set of paintings that my friend gave me for my birthday several years ago.  She painted them herself which makes them extra special.  They have hung in several different houses and apartments; I keep them with me every time I move.

What extra special pieces do you have in your home?  Are they usually gifts?  Handmade?  Thrifted?  Special splurge items?


  1. I love that each piece has a story to tell :)

    I have a mixed media art piece in my studio that I won in a giveaway and love the fun handmade feel it adds to my room :)

  2. Beautiful! I'm enjoying that green on the walls too!

    I've made it a goal to collect as much art as possible over the years from etsy. We're at the point where we have too much to hang at once, so I guess that's goal accomplished!

  3. You have some fun one of a kind pieces!

    Lately I've been taking the time to make more wall art and other decor for our house. For about 5 years, I did a lot of cross-stitch, and we have all of my pieces up in the living room and dining room.

  4. Great post! It's great to see how you use handmade and thrift show finds. I have to laugh, because some of my jewelry photos are taken on the edge of a table crowded with... junk!

    For the last few years when I've need a serving dish, something for the wall, etc. I've looked to artist work on Etsy and ArtFire. I love that it's different than what "everyone" else has.

  5. I love this post! It reminds me about all of the great items I've gotten second hand or from etsy, or even from friends. I love the personal touches that these items have. :)

  6. Items like these are so much more special than anything from a store, I think. The fabric frame for the mirror is especially cool.

    A lot of my favorite things in the house are art pieces that my husband and I have either purchased together on trips, or they're things I made myself.

  7. It's fun seeing the special things in your home! I've been changing out things around our house to those that have more meaning too. One of my most favorite things is a drawing on our mantel of my 3 babies! :) I look at it every day and smile!

    I'm glad you enjoy the notebook too!

  8. I recognize that journal!:)

    I agree with Beaded that it is nice to see how you fill your home with different things that started off in another place but have a special place now.

  9. I like to buy unique items to surround myself at home, and to wear/carry on my body too. Maybe it's because I'm a handmade artist, and appreciate handmade items. Or because they are one-of-a-kind (almost!) {:-D


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)