

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

IC#10-Lavender Sachet and Bath Salts Set

Iron Craft challenged us to create a stitched project.  I chose to stitch up a little gift for my mom for Mother's Day!  I know Mother's Day was two weeks ago, but I didn't see my mom until this past weekend so we had a late Mother's Day.  My mom loves old fashioned, floral things, so I thought a little gift set would be perfect for her.

I started with some fabric scraps that I got from my recent craft supply swap.  I started by stitching a heart onto one of the pieces.  I tried to make it look "scribbly."

Next, I stitched along the outside leaving a bit open.  I turned it inside out and filled it with lavender.  I then stitched along the outside edge one more time.  This was challenging because the lavender kept getting in the way; I won't do it this way again :)

Next, I filled a mason jar with some bath salts (store bought) and added a piece of fabric to the top.  Finally, I added a label to the jar.

That's it!  This was a quick, easy project but turned out quite cute.  I think my mom really liked it :)

Want to see more Iron Craft pieces?  Check out the flickr group here.  Want to join in the fun?  Check out the blog here.


  1. Oh, very cool! That seems like an easy enough gift to whip up for any occasion too!

  2. That is a really great gift & looks like more work than it is.

  3. Very nice and so simple! I'm sure that your mom will love it.

  4. How cute! I love the stitched heart.


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