

Friday, May 18, 2012

Create Your Style Magazine Review and Giveaway

Hi friends.  I have some exciting stuff today.  I'm giving away a magazine!  Yahoo!  Before I do that, let me tell you a bit about it.

The magazine is called Create Your Style and is all about using Swarovski crystals.  When I was contacted to review the magazine, I was skeptical.  I'm not normally a crystal girl.  But I was quite pleased when I received it.  It's gorgeous.  I sat right down and flipped through the whole thing.

The first section of the magazine is a lot of inspiration.  The second part is all about the projects.  I decided the best way to review this was to make one myself.

I made this crystal ring.  Honestly, it was hard for me.  I've never done this kind of beading before and I didn't really know what I was doing.  But I did it!  And about three beads before finishing, I saw there was a QR code on the bottom that I could have scanned to give me more details.  Oops.

So now here's the best part.  I have another copy to give to one of you!  Yay!  Just enter your info in the fancy rafflecopter below (It's my first time using it so hopefully it goes smoothly!)  Winners will be picked next week.

There is also an opportunity to win a copy on their Facebook page, so be sure to stop by there as well.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this magazine to review.  All opinions are my own. 


  1. Awesome giveaway! I'm glad that you're enjoying the magazine. That ring looks right up my alley. :)

  2. Yourn ring turned out great! And this looks like a really fun magazine!

  3. The magazine looks intriguing! I love crystal choices and new ideas!

  4. I loves handcraft, the ring looks awesome. I have learnt once from my friend before, and I noticed that it's not that easy, especially when you trying to pull the string and tighten up all the crystal. You really did a great job!!

  5. I spend my Swarovski designer friend hoards hers.

  6. THe magazine looks really interesting! Can't wait to see what other projects are in there!

  7. I would love a copy of Create Your Style magazine! I AM a crystal girl, and Swarovski crystals are all the I use! Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. Ana J.: love to create my own jewelry with swarovski!!

  9. Lovely ring, you did a nice job even without the extra info!

  10. Good for you to try and make your own ring! This is a great giveaway for a header. Love the inspiration pic! {:-D


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)