

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

RAW Showcase

This past weekend was my art show with RAW: Natural Born Artists.  I had a blast.  It wasn't the easiest show I've ever done, being four and a half months pregnant with a broken ankle, but it was still a great experience.  My sweet hubby built me a new display for the show and I was really pleased with it.  I was trying to mimic a traditional art gallery that I filled with my non-traditional pieces.

The night included visual artists, a performance artist (juggling, etc), two musical performances, and a fashion show. 

I definitely felt a bit out of my element.  I'm more of a sit at home and watch Doctor Who kind of girl, but I still really enjoyed the experience.  It was fun to try something so different.  They have these groups in cities around the U.S. and I would definitely recommend checking them out.


  1. Wow...that's awesome! Love the display...and your bravery too!

  2. Wow, that looks like a fun show! Your display looks great. Glad to hear you pulled through despite the broken ankle - which I hope is healing nicely by the way :)

  3. What a great show! Your display looks awesome! Love the birdie brooches :)

  4. Your husband did a great job with your display! This sounds like a neat experience.


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