

Sunday, August 26, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Well folks.  I have some unfortunate news.  At a craft show this weekend, I took a tumble and broke my ankle.  That's right.  I'm going to be spending some quality time on couch with my leg in a cast.  But hey, why ignore a great crafty opportunity to decorate my crutches?  Right now I'm thinking spray-painting blue and decorative pads...

The Stuff of Success: Crutch Covers


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your ankle! Hope you and baby are both okay!
    Fun idea to decorate your crutches :)

  2. Oh no! Well, I'll glad it isn't anything worse than an ankle.

  3. Oh no!! That's miserable. I'm just glad it wasn't worse....yikes! What a cute idea though to decorate your crutches!

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments! The baby is fine thankfully. It was actually a minor fall, I just happened to fall right on my twisted ankle. I'm pretty uncomfortable but otherwise doing alright. Thankfully I have lots of friends and family to help me out.

  5. Oh no! So sorry to hear that. I'm glad that you and the baby are doing well. I hope that you have a smooth, safe recovery.

  6. Oh no, that must have been quite a tumble! Hope you are doing ok. And I bet you will have a gorgeously decorated cast :)

  7. Sorry about your ankle - hope you have a swift recovery! :(

  8. Uh oh! Hope you grab a handsome orange Mancat and rest up so you get well soon! Great idea to spruce up the crutches!


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)