

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

IC#16- Momma & Baby Galaxy Wear

I was thrilled with our Iron Craft challenge for this week.  It's a virtual baby shower...for me!  Everyone is making baby crafts in honor of my little one.  I know the baby has been doing happy wiggles in there just thinking about it.

For my project, I chose to make a galaxy onesie.  Galaxy print has become pretty trendy in the craft world and I wanted to try my hand at it.  Then I decided to take it one step further and make one for myself too!  I started with a plain navy onesie and a plain black maternity top and here's what I got:

I'll show you what I did in case you would also like to make one.  I was inspired by this tutorial and this tutorial, although I didn't follow either exactly.  I started by laying the clothing in a sink and giving in a scrunchy swirl in the middle.

I then used a spray bottle to spray bleach diagonally across each piece.  I did light sprays on either side and then concentrated my sprays in the middle.  Then I impatiently waited for the bleach to dry so I could see the effect.  Once dry, I flattened out the clothing and give it a look.  For my shirt, I added a few extra blasts in the middle to strengthen the effect.

After the bleach was dry, I washed the pieces before moving on.  Then I used fabric paint to start adding depth and interest to the design.  I tried to take pictures of these steps, but it wasn't really an exact science.  I used sponges, paintbrushes, and my fingers to just keep blending.

Finally, I used a toothbrush to add splatter.  If you have never done this, just dip your paintbrush in the paint and then with it facing down, pull your thumb all the way along the brush.  This shoots out paint splatters.  I focused white splatters on the center and blue splatters along the outside.

Let it dry and you are done!  I tried to take some pictures of myself wearing my shirt and failed miserably.  I'll have to get my husband to help me with a photo shoot later.


  1. This would be really fun to do with my cousins kids, need to keep it in mind.

  2. very cool! fun to have matching clothing!

  3. These are too darn cute! How great that everyone is making baby items this month :)

  4. How cute! I like how you were able to make one for you and the baby both.

  5. Wow...that turned out really cool! I didn't realize how easy it was to make something like this!

  6. This effect is fabulous! Beautiful job. I agree with Nancy that I didn't realize how easy this is. I'd love to give it a try sometime.

  7. Oh wow, those came out great! I have been wanting to make a galaxy shirt for some time, and this has certainly inspired me. Thanks as always for sharing your method :)

  8. You two will be very cute together in your new clothes! I love the way the paint turned out!


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