

Monday, June 25, 2012

Under The Sea: Little Mermaid Inspired Glitter Shoes

Did you like my long title?  Alright.  As part of my etsy team, Blogging Business Artisans, I'm challenged to create a project on theme each month.  This month's theme was "under the sea."  I channeled my inner Ariel and made some green glitter shoes.  I might not have a flipper, but I can have green shoes, right?

I started with a pair of black shoes I've had for several years.  They are getting nice and worn away in the front.  Aren't I so stylish?

I then used Mod Podge and several different green glitters to cover the shoes.  I started by Mod Podging in patches and dumping on green glitter.  I tried to use my lighter glitter towards the front and my darker glitter in back. 

I also added on some glitter paint I had to give it an extra dimension of glitterocity (the technical term for it). 

I kept adding glitter until everything was covered and then I sealed it with another layer of Mod Podge.

The overall effect is a splotchy-ombre effect.  What did I learn while making this project?  That I missed my calling as a foot model.


  1. Awesome! And you're all set for St. Patrick's Day, too!

  2. What a great way to rejuvenate well-loved shoes! Your results are spectacular.

  3. Oh wow, that looks great! I love those mermaidy shades of green :)

  4. My inner magpie is all over these. So much yes.

  5. EXTREME glitter!! Great transformation. These will be really fun to wear this summer.

  6. How fun! What a great way to save a pair of beloved shoes :)

  7. Extreme it! What a fun project.

  8. glitterocity! You are do brave. My daughter spied glittery shoes at a store and I cringed at the thought of the glitter getting everywhere. I like how you sealed them and what fun shoes!

  9. You are so clever, Jenny! What adorable shoes! such great glitterocity!

  10. Glitterocity ... I like that! I just might have to do this with a pair of Noli's shoes -- she runs the finish off the toes too! And loves glitter!!
    Cute challenge project!


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