

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dalek Tote Bag- Exterminate!!

I found these plain white tote bags at Target the other day for only $2.  This seemed like the perfect way to play with my Sharpie Stained markers.  What did I decide to create?  A Doctor Who themed bag of course!

I started by drawing out a Dalek on a blank sheet of paper.  I free-handed it, but you could easily print out an image from online. 

Next, I transferred my image to the bag.  I did this by coloring the back of my drawing with pencil and then laying the drawing on the bag.  Next I traced over my image.  This transferred the pencil to the bag.

Finally, I traced the pencil drawing with my sharpies.  I added the word "Exterminate" to the side. 

That's it!  Don't you love the way I didn't iron my bag before I started working on it?  I'm so classy. 


  1. So fun!! What a great project. I have to check out those Sharpies.

    Also, I never iron anything :).

  2. Another fun project! A personalized tote for $2!

  3. Love it! Now I have to go to Target....

  4. Cute idea! I definitely would not have ironed my bag either. That's just how I roll.

  5. Haha! Great way to decorate your bag! Iron? What is this iron of which you speak??? LOL


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