

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Jewelry Pieces

I've been experimenting with my wooden jewelry lately and just finished putting some of these pieces in my etsy shop.  Let me show you some of the pieces I have been working on.

Red Floral Necklace

First off, you might notice that I have started painting the sides and backs of the pieces.  I used to leave these plain wood because I like the contrast of the wood and fabric.  However, now I'm thinking the painted wood adds a finished touch and an extra pop of color.

Red Geometric Necklace

Red Geometric Earrings

Second, I tried making some pieces with glitter.  I covered the finished piece with Mod Podge Dimensional Magic and then added glitter.  It definitely gives it a different look.  I hope to keep experimenting with this.

Pink Glitter Earrings

Green Glitter Necklace

What do you think?  Do you like these new styles?  Did you prefer the old?


  1. These are great! And the glitter really jazzes them up!

  2. I love these new designs! I really like the splash of glitter on the last two :)

  3. I love all of your pieces! The simple geometric designs are great, and the glitter is really fun, too.

  4. Those are great new pieces! I love the geometric ones but they are all fabulous!

  5. Wow, lovely new pieces. I agree that painting the edges gives it a more finished look. And I love what you're doing with the glitter!

  6. Love all pieces,simply super,That glittering earring has stole my heart also.


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)