

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Granny Squares

Hi All.  I am currently participating in a crochet-a-long over at Wise Craft.  I have been wanting to improve my granny square skills and this is the perfect opportunity.  Here is what I made the first week.  Sorry for the gross brown background.

I am using the yarn from my stash.  At first I wasn't sure if I would like the colors together, but I'm really happy with how it's all coming together.

I'll be back with more of my progress as I keep going.  I definitely feel like it's getting easier as I go along.


  1. This week will really get you in the groove, I spent all day making those 14 squares

  2. I created about 200 squares so that I could put them all together for a blanket. I ended up giving them away!

  3. What a fun project! I agree that the colors are coming together nicely.

  4. I like the bright colors together! And this might sound dorky, but I have no idea how to make a granny square! My grandma taught me the veeeeery basics of crocheting when I was about 9, but we never got to this point. :-(


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)