

Monday, May 7, 2012

365 Daily Creativity Journal: Weeks 16 & 17

Thanks for all your comments on my Friday post.  It was nice to hear some other points of view on something I had been thinking through.   And for today, another edition of 365 Daily Creativity Journal!

Day 114: Make something out of bread.   I made bread, which is almost the same.  I did it in my bread machine and you can still see the little metal piece in the bottom.

Day 118: Make something out of wood.  I made more wooden jewelry.  I'll be putting it in my shop soon so I'll show you more then.

Day 120: Make something in a box.  I'm only going to give you a glimpse today.   Our Iron Craft Challenge was to make something in a box so I'm multitasking with this project.


  1. the little stamp is cute. It is great that you are still at it with the crafty challenge. I am hard pressed to complete one thing sometimes.

  2. Beautiful! Those sparkly pink earrings are great! And I would have just made bread too:)


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)