

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vintage Recipe Book

I recently found a really fun old recipe book at Value Village.  It has blank pages so that you can fill it with all your favorite recipes.

I love that it has space to put who gave you the recipe.  Particularly now that I am collecting more recipes from family and friends.  Now I can know that it was my mom's soup or my friend Lisa's cranberry sauce.

I stamped my name on the front and embossed it with clear embossing powder.  You can't really tell here but it gave it a nice, raised finish.

Inside, I've started adding my recipes.  I'm slowly copying in the recipes from family and friends that I have saved in email, as well as adding a few favorites from other sources.  I'm even including some notes on special times that I cooked the recipes.

How do you store your recipes?  In a book?  Box?  Maybe on pinterest (I have a lot there myself :)


  1. This book is so old but in this include recipes really wonderful as well as adding a few favorites from other sources. I also want this book for me. It is informative post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love vintage books like this! When I got married, my grandma gave me the original Betty Crocker cookbook (a re-printing, of course) and it was so cool to read the old recipes.

  4. What a neat idea! Honestly my recipes are pretty disorganized. I have my favorites in a little recipe box, but I have a whole bunch of unorganized photocopied recipes in a binder that I'm slowly sorting through a few at a time.

  5. I have this exact same book. I bought it new in the late 80's. I'm noting all of our family recipes in it and will pass it down to my kids one day.


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