

Friday, April 6, 2012

Last Minute Craft: Easter Egg Characters

Hey!  Did you realize that Easter is this Sunday?  If you didn't, then don't worry.  I have got a great last minute craft for you.  With only a few materials, you can whip up these fun little egg characters in no time flat.  Let's get started!

-plastic eggs
-hot glue
-anything else your creative mind wants to add

To make the carrot, glue half of a green egg onto the top of an orange egg.  Then add details with an orange sharpie and a green sharpie.


Take a yellow egg and draw a beak with orange.  Then add eyes, feathers, and wings with black.


Take the top half of an egg and cut it in half.  Then cut down middle to form two ears.  Glue them on and then attach a bow if you like (particularly if you made a huge glue mess like I did on one).  Draw on a face with sharpies.  I used purple for the nose and black for the rest.

That's it!  Mine are perched in a basket with a bunch of other eggs, but I could see them on a wreath or propped on a mantle or something.  Where will you put yours?  



  1. How cute :)
    And the bunny ears are so clever!

  2. This is such an awesome idea for Easter! I love the carrot and the little faces.


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