

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

IC#7: Freshen Up...My Front Door

For some reason, I'm really into front door decorations.  This is a new thing for me, but since the start of the year I have made four different ones.  This last one was the perfect thing for our Iron Craft Challenge of "Freshen Up."  We were challenged to create something to freshen up our homes with.  Since my St. Patrick's Day shamrock felt a bit out of place in April, I made a new door decoration.

I kept it simple and made something that could last all summer (or at least until my door decoration addiction kicks in again).  I started by stamping the word welcome on some fun printed fabric I had in my stash.  I worked on the back side so the letters would show up better.

Next, I cut the letters out into triangle-shaped pieces.  I glued these onto a wire using hot glue.  I just glued and wrapped, glued and wrapped. 

Finally, I twisted the ends of the wire into decorative swirls.  I attached a skinny, dark piece of wire to hang it from.  This looks a bit dodgy against my white office door, but blends well on our dark front door.

Want to see more Iron Craft pieces?  Check out the flickr group here.  Want to join in the fun?  Check out the blog here.


  1. Looks great! And how smart to stamp on the back of the fabric!

  2. I have seen really gorgeous door decor and I need to make something for mine. After all, I sanded and restained it so I ought to dress it up!
    I like how you were able to just wrap and glue that banner to the wire. My kind of project--easy.

  3. I love it! Where did you get that cool fabric?

    1. I actually got it at Goodwill. There was a big bundle of fabric for sale and I'm slowly working through it. There are some great pieces, like this one, and some random ones that I have no idea how to use (like one with a giant dolphin on it).

  4. This is such a fun idea! Beautifully done.

  5. What a fun and simple idea! I think penants are especially fun for spring and summer. I need to get some big alphabet stamps! Those are fab.

  6. I love when people decorate their doors, I never do mine because you can't see it behind the storm.


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