

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthday Party Recap

My birthday was a week ago and we celebrated with a party on Saturday night.  Some friends were kind enough to host it and it was a wonderful night.  We started with both cheese and chocolate fondue.  And yes, we had way too much food.

To top it off, my sweetie of a husband made me a TARDIS birthday cake.  He always makes me fun shaped cakes and this year he was inspired by my Doctor Who obsession.  It's a little droopy on the edge, but that's just one of the hazards of time travel.

Here is a picture of Eugene and I together.  You can see my new bangs and awesome bird shirt.

One of my friends gave me this beautiful vase as a gift.  I love it!  I added some fake grass from Michaels and put it in the front entry way.

I like the way it contrasts with my scarf tablecloth.  Now the only question is how long I can keep it there before the cat starts chewing on the grass and I have to move it.

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything fun?


  1. Sounds like you had a great day and how sweet of your husband to bake your cake!


  2. I'm glad that you had such a good birthday! That's really sweet of your husband.

  3. Glad you had such a great b-day!! P.S. I posted about you on WW at BBA-

    1. Thanks for the post! I felt very special when I saw it :)

  4. What a fun night! So glad you had a wonderful birthday :)

  5. For those of you keeping score. One day. It took one day for Milo to chew on the fake plant.


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