

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Postcard Swap: My Creations

If you've been reading my blog for awhile now (thank you!), then you might remember the post-card swap I participated in last year.  I had so much fun, that I had to participate again this year!  First, a big shout out to iHanna for organizing this event.  Second, here are the postcards I created!  It's a mix of random illustrations and collages.  I really enjoyed playing with my paper crafting materials; I will have to do that more often!

My postcards are slowly trickling in and I will show them here once I get them all.  Want to see even more postcards?  Check out all the postcards in the flickr group!


  1. those postcards are lovely, I really like the one with the birds!

    1. Thanks! I think the bird one is my favorite too.

  2. I love your cards! Each one, different and fun! No way I could come up with ten different styles. One and done. Well, one and done ten times. Ha.

    1. Thanks! I was worried about it too but once I started it just kind of flowed.

  3. Terrific cards! I love the blue kitty... and the turtles in love! Can't wait to see what you receive!

  4. What a fun looking collection of postcards! They are all great!

  5. Oh Jenny, you don't know how happy it makes me that you took time to play with your papers and pens because of the swap! Thanks for sharing and joining in, your creations are just super cute! Love your tulips, and the blue cat is so fun! Thank YOU!

  6. your postcards are so cute! I just participated in a postcard swap too and am anxious to see mine (all 5!) come in. I sent three overseas! {:-D

  7. Great job! I especially like the first one with the birds and the "hello" one. Playing with paper is so much fun.

  8. Those are all so cute! I especially like the first one :)

  9. Hello from Iowa! Lovely cards! Isn't this a fun swap? I've had a blast too!


Thanks for your comments! I love hearing from my readers :)