

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Hand Painted Clutches

I recently finished a few more of my hand painted clutches.  As you may remember, I enjoy finding clutches at thrift stores and then giving them a fresh new looks.  Here is what I have done lately.

The first is blue and a bit more subtle than some of my previous ones.  I decided to go with a blue jay and add some hints of purples.  I also added black outlines to some of the fabric details to help tie the whole piece together.  I'm really pleased with the result.

Blue Jay Clutch on etsy

Blue Jay Clutch on etsy

The second is an experiment that resulted in success.  I tried covering the clutch with two different fabrics this time and liked the added detail this gave.  I kept my painting simple and did a flower rather than my traditional bird.  It's definitely a bold look but would be a great gift for anyone who loves color.

Orange Flower Clutch on etsy

Orange Flower Clutch on etsy

You can see all of my clutches here in my etsy shop.  I'm hoping to add some more over the next few months.


  1. These look great! I love how you outlined the fabric to tie the whole piece together on the first one. And the flower is so cute :)

  2. How pretty! The little trio of flowers is my favorite detail.

  3. Beautiful job, Jenny! I love both of them. They are really unique.

  4. Beautiful pieces! And I love the idea of taking something old and giving it a new face too.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! I love that beautiful blue jay one! You've really incorporated the material of the clutch well with your painting!

  6. the clutches are beautiful. What kind of pen did you use to outline? A special fabric pen or just an ordinary colorfast, acid-free? It worked great! {:-D

    1. I used a sharpie. I found that this writes really well on the surface and then holds up to additional coats of sealer.

  7. I really love that blue jay one! Gorgeous details & colors.


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