

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

IC#6- A Glittery Peeps Necklace Tutorial

Our Iron Craft Challenge this week was to create something related to peeps.  To prevent myself from eating too many peeps, I decided to create something that looked like a peep rather than using real peeps.  I created this glittery pink bunny necklace.  Here's how.

Start with some pink polymer clay.  Really, you could use any color clay since you will cover it with glitter.  Roll it out into a sheet of about 1/4 inch.

Now draw out your bunny shape.  I used a pencil and made a slight indent.  You will then use a craft knife to cut it out.  Don't worry if it is a bit sloppy; you can sand it and it will be covered with glitter.

Bake the clay as directed.  Once cooled, attach two jump rings to the side.  I used E-6000 glue.

Now, cover with Mod Podge and cover with pink glitter ( I didn't take a picture of this step).  Once dry, you can add more Mod Podge on top to prevent glitter from flaking off; just keep in mind it dulls it a little.  Next, add a few spots of Mod Podge onto the face for the eyes and nose.  Cover those with brown glitter.

Almost done!  Attach a chain to the two jump rings on the side and add a clasp.  Now you have a necklace!  Yay!  Celebration dance!

That's it!  Happy Easter! 


  1. That is the cutest peep I've ever seen!!

  2. I love it. It is just so sweet, as sweet as a peep!

    1. Thanks! Just don't eat it though; the glitter would not taste as good as sugar.

  3. This is so cute! I went through a chocolate covered peep obsession when I worked for a shop in London that sold american sweets! I think you may have re-ignited the phase!

    1. You know, I've never tried chocolate covered peeps but I have always wanted to. I loved peeps as a kid but now can only eat one before I'm overwhelmed with sugar.

  4. The peep looks great! And it is better than eating those sugary things:)

    Artful Rising

    1. Seriously. Last year we had to use real peeps and it was hard having them in the house. I can't resist sugar when it is around.

  5. Hi
    IC#6- A Glittery Peeps Necklace Tutorial
    i would like to say thank you about this cool post,and this idea very helpful to me,
    Thank You

  6. Really cute Jenny! Thanks for this awesome tutorial. What a perfect little project for Easter.


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