

Monday, March 12, 2012

365 Daily Creativity Journal: Weeks 8 & 9

I'm back from Kansas and ready to dive right back into crafting.  I had a wonderful visit with family and had lots of fun playing with my precious little niece.  I didn't have that much time for crafts while at home, but here is one thing I've made recently.  FYI- I'm going to start doing these posts every other week; that should eliminate some of the I-didn't-make-anything-this-week posts :)

Day 63- Make a mask. - I created a mask necklace.  Tutorial coming soon.


  1. Very cute -- it would be perfect for Mardi Gras!

  2. I love your new necklace and look forward to the tutorial.

  3. It's great...and perfect for Mardi Gras!

  4. Super fun necklace...I can't even imagine how you made this...not one of my usual mediums, I think.

    Popping in from the EBT...


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