

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A "Lovely" Felt Garland

I was inspired by a heart garland I saw recently and decided to try making my own.  I got it up a little bit after Valentine's Day, but it's still fun to have up.

I used different colors and didn't add the felt balls, but otherwise I pretty much followed the tutorial.  I felt like my hearts didn't retain their shape quite as well as I hoped, but it still made a fun, swirly garland.

I created this piece for a team challenge for a team I am on, The Blogging Business Artisans.  Each month we have a challenge and this month was to create something to do with love.  What's more love than hearts?


  1. Great challenge piece! I love that you used lots of can stay up all year long :)

  2. Lovely piece! I've never really seen one done like this:)

  3. I have seen these tutorials floating around online. You did a great job with it. Maybe a fabric stiffener would help the hearts hold their shape?

  4. it's so pretty and free spirited!
    Great challenge project! {:-D

  5. I say a garland of hearts is perfect year round! A gentle reminder to be kind to those we love. Pretty!


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