

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

IC#4- Metal Chain and Embroidery Thread Bracelet

Our Iron Craft Challenge this week was to create something inspired by a piece you didn't buy.  I knew I wanted to create a bracelet based on some of the tribal, friend-ship bracelets out there.  I started by creating a collection of jewelry pieces on Polyvore.

Then, I created my own.  I took some random jewelry pieces that I had in my store and started taking them apart.  I always save old, broken jewelry so I can use the components over again.  I then combined some silver and gold chains together with embroidery thread.

I did add a new gold clasp to hold the bracelet all together.  I just tied each end of the chains to the clasps to hold it all together.

Want to see more Iron Craft pieces?  Check out the flickr group here.  Want to join in the fun?  Check out the blog here.


  1. The floss adds a nice pop of color to the chain :)

  2. That's a great idea for using old jewelry parts! It looks so fun.

  3. I really like how you combined everything together to make a nice chunky look.

  4. Cute! It came out really nicely!

  5. Fun challenge! Your piece is really unique.


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