

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back in Full Swing- New Shop Items and a Show

I have been busy getting ready for a show at the Seattle Public Library tomorrow.  I'm very excited to be joining another talented artist for the First Thursday Artist Event.  If you are in the Seattle Area I would love to see you at the show!

I find that as I lead up to a show, I convince myself that I never have enough inventory.  Well, I spread everything out yesterday while I was price-tagging items and realized that yes, I think I have enough. 

In other exciting news, I have been starting to get a lot of my pieces in my etsy shop.  I had lots of items that I had yet to list or had listed and let expire.  They are back up and I am close to reaching 100 listings!  Only a few to go!


  1. You will be great! And congrats on 100 items!

  2. Isn't it nice to realize that you finally have enough for a show? I hope it goes well!

  3. Good luck with your show! I agree with Paige that it's great to get to that point. Congrats on nearing 100 listings, too. That's a great mile marker to reach.

  4. 100 listings is awesome! Good luck at your show. Your inventory looks great!


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